Pauntley C of E Primary School

Pauntley C of E Primary School

GPP Federation

Performance Data

Pauntley is a very small school with low numbers of pupils in certain year groups. Each year group also varies considerably regarding their ability.When understanding data you have to remember that each child can represent a large percentage of each year group. On this page you will find a link to the DfE's performance tables but due to the low numbers taking the tests at Pauntley the data is not published.

Please follow the link below to look at the DfE's performance tables.

In 2022 seven children took the Y6 SATs:

KS2 SATs Results 2021/22 Reading Writing Maths
% of pupils achieving the expected standard 86% 71% 57%
% of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment 43% 0% 14%
Average Progress Score NA NA NA
Average Scaled Score 105.9 NA 102.7
57% of KS2 pupils achieved the expected standard+ in Reading/Writing/Maths combined.

In 2022 five children took the Y2 SATs:

KS1 SATs Results 2021/22 Reading Writing  Maths
% of pupils achieving the expected standard 60% 20% 60%
% of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment 20% 20%  20%

In 2022 four children took the Y1 Phonics Screening check: 100% of children reached the expected standard.

In 2022 two children made up our Reception cohort: 50% of children achieved a 'Good Level of Development' at the end of their Reception year.

Financial Information:

Available benchmarking data is available from:

Schools Financial Benchmarking - GOV.UK (