Pauntley C of E Primary School

Pauntley C of E Primary School

GPP Federation

School Uniform

Our uniform is in the school colours of red and gold. We believe the uniform is important as it unites us as one group and gives the children a sense of belonging and trust.

Children should wear:

A grey or black pinafore dress, skirt, shorts or trousers, white or red polo shirt or blouse, red sweatshirt or cardigan and sensible shoes in grey or black. In the summer, children may prefer a red and white checked dress.

PE Kit

For PE, all the children need a red t -shirt, black shorts and daps or trainers. If it is cold weather then a black or red tracksuit may be needed.

Other Activities

The children will be doing lots of different things throughout the year that may need certain clothing, this might include swimming, welly walks, trips and plays.

A full sports kit will be worn by all children when representing the school at sporting events. The school will provide the kit for the event and parents /carers are required to launder and return the kit to the office at school.

A few extra things

On sunny days, the children will also need a sun hat and sunscreen (which needs to be applied at home) and on cold days please send in warm outdoor clothing so they can still go out to play.

All items must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

During the winter children will need a pair of wellies at school and over trousers so that they can still use the field.

Safety Tips

To keep everyone safe in school and on the playground, we believe it is important that jewellery is kept to a minimum. If your child has earrings, only studs are allowed in school and they need to be taken out for PE.

Older children can wear a watch to school, bracelets and necklaces however are not allowed unless for religious reasons.

Where to buy

Shirts, cardigans and fleeces bearing the school logo can be purchased from Gooch Sports who are located in Newent on the corner of Church Street, or can be ordered online HERE.

Trousers and skirts can also be bought online from Gooch Sports HERE, and on the following pages, but any grey or black pinafore dress, skirt, shorts or trousers may be worn.

If you have any queries about our uniform or anything else please do not hesitate to contact the school.