Pauntley C of E Primary School

Pauntley C of E Primary School

GPP Federation

The GPP Federation Governors 


Welcome to the Governor’s section. School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Their role is voluntary. The Governing Body of GPP Federation is responsible for Glebe Infants, Pauntley CofE and Picklenash Juniors.  

The role of the Governing Body is to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
  • oversee the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors work with the Executive Headteacher and staff to set the school’s aims and objectives, and establish policies for achieving these.

Governors contribute to the strategic discussions at governing body meetings and hold the senior leaders to account by monitoring the educational performance of the school, its pupils, and the performance management of the leaders. The Governing Body also oversees the financial performance of the school, and makes sure its money is well spent. We ensure that the school staff have the resources and support they require to do their jobs well and assist with a wide range of specific tasks. It is particularly rewarding to visit the school in our capacity as Governors and see the school in action through learning walks, work scrutinies and pupil conferencing. 

The Governing Body is NOT responsible for the day to day running of the school.

Who we are:

Chairs of Governors - Emily Sophocli (Co-opted Governor)

Contact - 


Clerk to Governors - Ellie Hully

Contact -

Full register of governance including register of interests below:

Full Register of Governance


Finance and Resources Committee - Chaired by Ian Mathews (Parent Governor)

Curriculum and Standards Committee - Co-Chaired by Corrina Cameron-Trevail (Parent Governor) and Mark Hargreaves (Foundation Governor)

Strategic Development Working Group - Chaired by Gary Bottomley, Partnership Governor

Letter from the Co-Chairs of GPP Federation Governing Body:

A Letter from the Chairs of Governors

Annual Statement of the Governing Body of Pauntley School 2021/22

Much like last year, this year has been filled with challenges for the Governing body, school staff, pupils and parents. It has been a stop/start year, as we were getting to the end of the year, COVID struck again meaning all the year sixes and Mrs Greaves missed their last week of primary school. The resilience and resourcefulness of staff, children and the whole school community leaves me in awe. We literally conducted the final assembly on our knees as we accommodated the laptop cameras so we could ZOOM the service.

Governors continue to review policies and make sure we are up to date with training in Safeguarding as well as curriculum, finance and all aspects of governance.

We are looking forward to getting into school to do more face-to-face monitoring, it is one of the greatest aspects of governance to meet staff and children and to see the progress that is being made.

Annual Statement of Governance 2023-24

Governor Behaviour Principles

Behaviour Principles

Development Priorities

This year the school has set out 6 key priorities for development and these will be closely monitored by the school governors:

Priority 1: Monitoring Teaching & Learning

Priority 2: Developing the teaching of Reading & Writing

Priority 3: Developing the teaching of Maths

Priority 4: Curriculum development

Priority 5: Developing leadership and management

Priority 6: Developing the Christian Distinctiveness of the school